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Re: [MacPerl] Know tell me that this is a bug???

email@virtuoso-net.com writes:
>Can anybody tell me why this precompiling regex block below bombs
>immediately with system error type 11 on a PowerMac?

No idea. It doesn't doesn't seem to crash anymore with the development version
of MacPerl.

> Does MacPerl actually handle the "eval" syntax correctly?

I seem to get lots of questions like this, and the answer is, as usual, that it
would be far harder for me to break that syntax than to support it :-) MacPerl
does *not* vary in syntax from corresponding Un*x perl patchlevels.

> Oh, and by the way, did any of you develop a real fast method for applying
> many varying regular expressions to large files? I would be very pleased to
> see some here on the list!

Your technique looks ok, but I would think that glueing all regexps together
into a single regexp, i.e. "m!xyzzy|abc!o" instead of "m!xyzzy!o || m!abc!o"
has the potential to be faster.


Matthias Neeracher   <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>   http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~neeri
  "And I won this ribbon in a Degradation Contest at the Teheran
   meeting of Junkies Anonymous" -- William Burroughs, _The Naked Lunch_

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