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Re: [MacPerl] first file in a folder...

At 15.11 10/13/97, { brad brace } wrote:
>I'm trying to write a script that will:
>1) every 12 hours: select the first file in a folder (Mac 68K OS
>   ideally)... I have Mac-Cron installed... and...
>2) dialup my ISP and upload the file to several FTP sites (I have
>   Microphone-comm-software scripts that can dialup -- I can't seem to
>   make them select a specific file though...) (I have MacPerl installed.)
>3) then, either delete or move this first file from the folder, so that
>   the next numerically-named file will become the next 'first-one'
>4) and so on...

Here would be my solution:

#!perl -w
#both modules below available at http://pudge.net/macperl/
#require shareware FTP program Anarchie and OT/PPP 1.0
#or greater

use Mac::Apps::Anarchie;
use Mac::Comm::OT_PPP;

my $localdir   = 'HD:mydir';
my $remotedir  = '/export/home/mydir';
opendir(D,$localdir) || die $!;
my @files      = sort readdir(D);
my $file       = shift @files;
my $localfile  = "$localdir:$file";
my $remotefile = "$remotedir/$file";

$ppp = Mac::Comm:OT_PPP;
$err = $ppp->PPPConnect($user,$pass,$number);
if ($err) {
   MacPerl::Answer("OT/PPP error: $err");
} else {
   $ftp = new Mac::Apps::Anarchie;
unlink $localfile;  #delete file

Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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