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[MacPerl] A simple utility for Mac/UNIX folks

If you're like me, you find Mac's tendency to create "GIF" files instead of
"gif" files really quite annoying - especially when you have to go through a
bunch of them and change the case by hand. Well, I've ended all that on the
UNIX end anyway. The program that should follow this text (unless I do
something stupid and foget to add it) is the code for a utility that lowercases
any filenames that have uppercase in them. It has a number of nifty features
and a wish list - feel free to add stuff or make suggestions.

Actually, now I'm wondering why I haven't made a Mac version... Maybe because
I'm very unfamiliar with Mac interfacing. UNIX is simple - just add some
'-a'rguments to the end of the command. Anybody know how to make a nice
interface with multiple choice questions, text entry boxes, folder selection
options, etc.?

A special thanks to Jeffrey Friedl, who taught me how to handle arguments - and
he doesn't even know!

The reason that I'm posting this here is that MacPerl users are more likely to
use Mac & UNIX than UNIX Perl users are (at least that's what I think).


# make executable and type "cdp -?" for instructions (or "./cdp -?")

#    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\
#    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO
# cdp - short for "Case Da Place" - Ha ha ha!
#       Changes filenames that have upper-case characters to all-lowercase
# Goldarn Macintoshes and their stupid .GIFs!
# written by Josh Gemmell, December 1997, for my pal Pete
# some code/style lifted from Jeffrey Friedl's "search" (highly recommended)
# Christmasy design ("dopey elves") inspired by a remarkable sense of ennui
# License: do what you want, but don't blame me!
# Any suggestions etc. send to joshg@rogers.wave.ca or joshg@ola.bc.ca
# Version .01a
# December 16, 1997
# First draft, parameter handling only
# Version .01b
# December 18, 1997
# Second draft, primitive file tests
# Version .01c
# December 19, 1997
# Now we're mungin' stuff real good
# Added .dotfile handling
# Changed default to "mouthy" and added -quiet arg
# Version .10a
# December 19, 1997
# Considered blank-removal, but decided against it
# All features working (limited testing)
# Added -test arg
# Blank removal machine (at least it _tells_ ya!)
# Undo feature ('Oh, Damn! I cased da place without specifying extensions!')
# Comfirm (You really wanna do this to /path/FILE? Didn't think so.)
#    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\
#    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO    oO
#                                MerRy cHRisTmaS!!
use Cwd;
use subs qw(GetParms Init DieMessage Messages);
$version = ".10a";


if ( $testMode ) {
   print "   TEST MODE______________________________\n";
   print "   $0: $version\n";
   print "   Start: $startDir\n";
   print "   Recurse: ", ($printMe = $reCurse ? "ON" : "OFF"), "\n";
   print "   Like: ", ($printme = @fileTypes ? join("-", @fileTypes) : "ALL"),
   print "   Dotfiles: ", ($printme = $dotFiles ? "YES" : "NO"), "\n";
   print "   Noise: ", 
      ($junk=($noiseLevel) ? 
      ($morejunk=($noiseLevel > 1) ? "VERY MOUTHY" : "MOUTHY") : 
      "QUIET"), "\n";
   print "   TEST MODE______________________________\n";


# check to see if we can start at the start!
DieMessage("invalid starting directory [$startDir]") unless -d $startDir;

@dirs = ($startDir);
foreach $dir (@dirs) {

   # test a few things about this directory
   Messages("$dir not readable","skipping $dir"), next unless -r $dir;
   # open directory and look inside
   opendir(HERE, $dir) || { Messages("cannot open $dir","$!"), next };

   Messages("opening $dir");

   if ($dotFiles) {
      @list = grep !/^\.(\.)?$/, readdir(HERE);
   } else {
      @list = grep !/^\./, readdir(HERE);

   foreach $item (@list) {
      if (-d $item) {
         push (@dirs, $dir . "/" . $item) if $reCurse;
      # warn about spaces in filenames
      Messages("$item has spaces in it!") if ($item =~ /\s+/) && $noiseLevel >
      # skip for files that are all lowercase
      next unless $item =~ /[A-Z]/;
      # if we're type-matching, skip for no-match
      next if @fileTypes && !(grep {$item =~ /\.$_$/i} @fileTypes);
      # now we're left with a file that needs changin'!
      Messages("cannot write to $item","$!"), next unless -w $dir."/".$item;
      $old = $dir."/".$item;
      $new = $dir."/".lc($item);
      unless ($testMode) {
         rename ($old,$new) || { Messages("failed to rename $item","$!"), next
      Messages ("$old -> $new");

sub DieMessage {
   my($circumstance) = @_;
   print "$0: $circumstance\nerr:$!\n";
   die "$0: dead\n";

sub Messages {
   my(@messages) = @_;
   return if $noiseLevel == 0;
   print shift @messages, "\n";
   if ($noiseLevel > 1) {
      foreach $msg (@messages) {
         print "$msg\n";

sub Init {
   $startDir   = cwd;        # -start -s
   $reCurse    = 0;          # -recurse -r
   $noiseLevel = 1;          # -mouthy -m -verymouthy -vm -q -quiet
   @fileTypes  = ();         # -like -l
   $dotFiles   = 0;          # -dot -d
   $testMode   = 0;          # -test -t

   $0 =~ s,.*/,,;            # clean up $0 for any diagnostics we'll be

$helpMessage = << "END";
$0 $version

    ?,h,help        this help message
    d,dot           include .dotfiles in search
    l,like          like *.this
    m,mouthy        verbose (default)
    q,quiet         quiet
    r,recurse       recurse directories
    s,start         start at /this/dir/here
    t,test          test mode (just shows what it _would_ do)
    v,version       display version number
    vm,verymouthy   really quite verbose (warns you about blank spaces!)

Lowercase every file (except .dotfiles) in the working directory,
displaying general info.
To RECURSE through subdirectories: -r(ecurse) "$0 -r"
To start ELSEWHERE: -s(tart) [/path/for/elsewhere] "$0 -s /usr" <- DON'T!

To include .DOT files: -d(ot) "$0 -d" <- NOT recommended
To specify file TYPES: -l(ike) ['list of types'] "$0 -l 'gif jpg'"

To SHUT it up: -q(uiet) "$0 -q"
To increase MOUTHINESS: -v(ery)m(outhy) "$0 -vm"

To display VERSION info: -v(ersion) "$0 -v"
To display HELP info: -?/-h(elp) "$0 -?"
To run in TEST mode: -t(est) "$0 -t"



sub GetParms {
   while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/) {
      $arg = shift(@ARGV);

      print($helpMessage),    exit(0) if $arg =~ /^-\?|-h(elp)?$/;
      print("$0 $version\n"), exit(0) if $arg =~ /^-v(ersion)?$/;

      $reCurse   =1,          next    if $arg =~ /^-r(ecurse)?$/;
      $noiseLevel=0,          next    if $arg =~ /^-q(uiet)?$/;
      $dotFiles  =1,          next    if $arg =~ /^-d(ot)?$/;
      $testMode  =1,          next    if $arg =~ /^-t(est)?$/;

      if ($arg =~ /^-s(tart)?$/) {
         $! = 2, die qq/$0: expecting path arg to -$arg\n/ unless @ARGV;
         $startDir = shift @ARGV;

      if ($arg =~ /^-l(ike)?$/) {
         $! = 2, die qq/$0: expecting glob arg to -$arg\n/ unless @ARGV;
         push (@fileTypes, split( /\s+/, shift @ARGV ) );
      if ($arg =~ /^-(v(ery)?)?m(outhy)?$/) {
         if ($1 =~ /^v/) {$noiseLevel = 2} else {$noiseLevel = 1}
      $! = 2, die "$0: unknown arg [$arg]\n";

                       Open Learning Agency
4355 Mathissi Place, Burnaby, B.C. Canada, V5G 4S8 (604) 431-3000

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