If you're like me, you find Mac's tendency to create "GIF" files instead of "gif" files really quite annoying - especially when you have to go through a bunch of them and change the case by hand. Well, I've ended all that on the UNIX end anyway. The program that should follow this text (unless I do something stupid and foget to add it) is the code for a utility that lowercases any filenames that have uppercase in them. It has a number of nifty features and a wish list - feel free to add stuff or make suggestions. Actually, now I'm wondering why I haven't made a Mac version... Maybe because I'm very unfamiliar with Mac interfacing. UNIX is simple - just add some '-a'rguments to the end of the command. Anybody know how to make a nice interface with multiple choice questions, text entry boxes, folder selection options, etc.? A special thanks to Jeffrey Friedl, who taught me how to handle arguments - and he doesn't even know! The reason that I'm posting this here is that MacPerl users are more likely to use Mac & UNIX than UNIX Perl users are (at least that's what I think). #!/usr/bin/perl # make executable and type "cdp -?" for instructions (or "./cdp -?") ############################################################################### # /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ # oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO #####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/ # # cdp - short for "Case Da Place" - Ha ha ha! # Changes filenames that have upper-case characters to all-lowercase # # Goldarn Macintoshes and their stupid .GIFs! # # written by Josh Gemmell, December 1997, for my pal Pete # some code/style lifted from Jeffrey Friedl's "search" (highly recommended) # Christmasy design ("dopey elves") inspired by a remarkable sense of ennui # License: do what you want, but don't blame me! # Any suggestions etc. send to joshg@rogers.wave.ca or joshg@ola.bc.ca # # Version .01a # December 16, 1997 # First draft, parameter handling only # # Version .01b # December 18, 1997 # Second draft, primitive file tests # # Version .01c # December 19, 1997 # Now we're mungin' stuff real good # Added .dotfile handling # Changed default to "mouthy" and added -quiet arg # # Version .10a # December 19, 1997 # Considered blank-removal, but decided against it # All features working (limited testing) # Added -test arg # # WISH-LIST: # Blank removal machine (at least it _tells_ ya!) # Undo feature ('Oh, Damn! I cased da place without specifying extensions!') # Comfirm (You really wanna do this to /path/FILE? Didn't think so.) ############################################################################### # /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ # oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO #####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/####\/ # MerRy cHRisTmaS!! use Cwd; use subs qw(GetParms Init DieMessage Messages); $version = ".10a"; Init; GetParms; if ( $testMode ) { print " TEST MODE______________________________\n"; print " $0: $version\n"; print " Start: $startDir\n"; print " Recurse: ", ($printMe = $reCurse ? "ON" : "OFF"), "\n"; print " Like: ", ($printme = @fileTypes ? join("-", @fileTypes) : "ALL"), "\n"; print " Dotfiles: ", ($printme = $dotFiles ? "YES" : "NO"), "\n"; print " Noise: ", ($junk=($noiseLevel) ? ($morejunk=($noiseLevel > 1) ? "VERY MOUTHY" : "MOUTHY") : "QUIET"), "\n"; print " TEST MODE______________________________\n"; } # check to see if we can start at the start! DieMessage("invalid starting directory [$startDir]") unless -d $startDir; @dirs = ($startDir); foreach $dir (@dirs) { # test a few things about this directory Messages("$dir not readable","skipping $dir"), next unless -r $dir; # open directory and look inside opendir(HERE, $dir) || { Messages("cannot open $dir","$!"), next }; Messages("opening $dir"); if ($dotFiles) { @list = grep !/^\.(\.)?$/, readdir(HERE); } else { @list = grep !/^\./, readdir(HERE); } closedir(HERE); foreach $item (@list) { if (-d $item) { push (@dirs, $dir . "/" . $item) if $reCurse; next; } # warn about spaces in filenames Messages("$item has spaces in it!") if ($item =~ /\s+/) && $noiseLevel > 1; # skip for files that are all lowercase next unless $item =~ /[A-Z]/; # if we're type-matching, skip for no-match next if @fileTypes && !(grep {$item =~ /\.$_$/i} @fileTypes); # now we're left with a file that needs changin'! Messages("cannot write to $item","$!"), next unless -w $dir."/".$item; $old = $dir."/".$item; $new = $dir."/".lc($item); unless ($testMode) { rename ($old,$new) || { Messages("failed to rename $item","$!"), next }; } Messages ("$old -> $new"); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub DieMessage { my($circumstance) = @_; print "$0: $circumstance\nerr:$!\n"; $!=2; die "$0: dead\n"; } sub Messages { my(@messages) = @_; return if $noiseLevel == 0; print shift @messages, "\n"; if ($noiseLevel > 1) { foreach $msg (@messages) { print "$msg\n"; } } } sub Init { $startDir = cwd; # -start -s $reCurse = 0; # -recurse -r $noiseLevel = 1; # -mouthy -m -verymouthy -vm -q -quiet @fileTypes = (); # -like -l $dotFiles = 0; # -dot -d $testMode = 0; # -test -t $0 =~ s,.*/,,; # clean up $0 for any diagnostics we'll be printing $helpMessage = << "END"; $0 $version -ARGS: ?,h,help this help message d,dot include .dotfiles in search l,like like *.this m,mouthy verbose (default) q,quiet quiet r,recurse recurse directories s,start start at /this/dir/here t,test test mode (just shows what it _would_ do) v,version display version number vm,verymouthy really quite verbose (warns you about blank spaces!) -DEFAULT VALUES FOR $0: Lowercase every file (except .dotfiles) in the working directory, displaying general info. -HOW TO CHANGE THAT: To RECURSE through subdirectories: -r(ecurse) "$0 -r" To start ELSEWHERE: -s(tart) [/path/for/elsewhere] "$0 -s /usr" <- DON'T! To include .DOT files: -d(ot) "$0 -d" <- NOT recommended To specify file TYPES: -l(ike) ['list of types'] "$0 -l 'gif jpg'" To SHUT it up: -q(uiet) "$0 -q" To increase MOUTHINESS: -v(ery)m(outhy) "$0 -vm" To display VERSION info: -v(ersion) "$0 -v" To display HELP info: -?/-h(elp) "$0 -?" To run in TEST mode: -t(est) "$0 -t" END } sub GetParms { while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/) { $arg = shift(@ARGV); print($helpMessage), exit(0) if $arg =~ /^-\?|-h(elp)?$/; print("$0 $version\n"), exit(0) if $arg =~ /^-v(ersion)?$/; $reCurse =1, next if $arg =~ /^-r(ecurse)?$/; $noiseLevel=0, next if $arg =~ /^-q(uiet)?$/; $dotFiles =1, next if $arg =~ /^-d(ot)?$/; $testMode =1, next if $arg =~ /^-t(est)?$/; if ($arg =~ /^-s(tart)?$/) { $! = 2, die qq/$0: expecting path arg to -$arg\n/ unless @ARGV; $startDir = shift @ARGV; next; } if ($arg =~ /^-l(ike)?$/) { $! = 2, die qq/$0: expecting glob arg to -$arg\n/ unless @ARGV; push (@fileTypes, split( /\s+/, shift @ARGV ) ); next; } if ($arg =~ /^-(v(ery)?)?m(outhy)?$/) { if ($1 =~ /^v/) {$noiseLevel = 2} else {$noiseLevel = 1} next; } $! = 2, die "$0: unknown arg [$arg]\n"; } } ----------------------------------------------------------------- Open Learning Agency 4355 Mathissi Place, Burnaby, B.C. 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