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Alright, thank you to everyone who tested and gave advice.  whichMacPerl is
now updated to take embedded libraries in Mac OS 8 into account, and to
tell the user certain libraries are needed for PPC Macs.

        http://pudge.net/macperl/wmp.html (The URL is correct this time!)

For those who do not know: this is a runtime app (or text script) that
tells you what version of MacPerl you should install on a given Mac.

I think it is all correct, but someone let me know if it does not work right.

Chris Nandor               pudge@pobox.com           http://pudge.net/
%PGPKey=('B76E72AD',[1024,'0824 090B CE73 CA10  1FF7 7F13 8180 B6B6'])
#==                    MacPerl: Power and Ease                     ==#
#==    Publishing Date: Early 1998. http://www.ptf.com/macperl/    ==#