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Re: [MacPerl] $^O stickiness (fwd)

According to Chris Nandor:
> >I had seen something like this before with the $|
> >command, but just took it as that was how Perl was supposed
> >to run under the Mac's OS.  Probably a bad assumption on my
> >part - but I didn't really care.
> In the current version of MacPerl, the value of $| does not stick between
> invocations of scripts, either.

I'm not using the current release right now.  But this
happened way back (like under 4.0 or something).  And as I
said - it didn't seem like any kind of a big deal at the
time - or now.  It is also very possible that it was just
me and not MacPerl which messed up.  :-)  Especially since
that was around the time I first started working with
MacPerl.  :-)

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