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Trailing ':'

After getting into directory names and such, I am finding that NOT putting
a ':' at the end of a directory name can sometimes cause bad things.
Matthias and I are hereby saying that all directory names should end in a
colon in all routines.  It will often work without it, but it is best if
you do it.

I am saying this as a plea for convention, but also a call for help: if you
find any routines in MacPerl that do NOT return a trailing colon on a
directory, please notify the list, so they can be fixed.

File::Find currently does not work.  This is going to be changed.  So if
you depend on the value of $File::Find::dir having a trailing colon, get
ready for the change.  File::Find::find(\&wanted, $dir) fails if $dir is a
volume name, because of colon problems.  I tried to come up with a fix, but
eventually when it gets fixed better it will still probably break if you
pass it "VolumeName" instead of "VolumeName:".

Sigh.  :)

Chris Nandor               pudge@pobox.com           http://pudge.net/
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#==                    MacPerl: Power and Ease                     ==#
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