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Re: [MacPerl] Module installation question & InternetConfig.pm

carl@1unique.com writes:
>  I recently installed MacPerl 5.1.9r4 on a PowerMac 8600.  From what I recall
>it was a standard PowerMac install from the distribution files from sunsite.
>  I typed in... (and yes, we do have a 'www' hostname reference that works!)
>#!perl -w
>  and tried to run it..... This is what I got....
># Ambiguous use of {index} resolved to {"index"}.
>File 'Tremas:MacPerl Ä:lib:Mac:InternetConfig.pm'; Line 501
># Use of uninitialized value.
>File 'Tremas:MacPerl Ä:lib:Mac:Types.pm'; Line 68
[And lots of other warnings]

This is the result of a small philosophical rift between me & Chris. As opposed
to Chris, I don't believe in making modules -w clean at any price (they are
all strict clean, however), and since warnings are currently global, this
interferes with the practice of putting -w on the #! line (which, BTW, is
increasingly considered a bad idea for production code, but a good one in 

Future versions of perl will have a finer grain scoping of -w, so it's possible
to turn warnings on for one's own code while leaving them off for modules.


Matthias Neeracher   <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>   http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~neeri
   "I'm set free to find a new illusion" -- Velvet Underground

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