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Re: [MacPerl] Module installation question & InternetConfig.pm

In Regards to your letter <v02130501b12c2deaf88a@[]>:
:  At 04.18 1998.03.11, Carl Baltrunas & Cherie Marinelli 1.6v2 wrote:
:  >My real question is about the installation.  Did I somehow get the Macperl
:  >files installed improperly?  I can't believe that this is the expected
:  >behavior, and I can't believe that I'm the only one who has done a clean
:  >install of MacPerl recently and ran across this problem.  H*LP!
:  Defined "expected".  Yes, it is known that not all the MacPerl toolbox
:  modules are -w clean.  Matthias?
Thanks Chris & Matthias!  I guess the confusion stemmed from the practice
of using -w on the #! line.  Regardless of whether it should or shouldn't
be used for production code, I'd think it's a BAD practice for anything
which might be used in a .cgi or .acgi, since a change in a remote module
(such as from updating a release of MacPerl) could adversely affect the
output from your web server.

As for "expected" behavior... I don't EXPECT diagnostic warnings from
supposedly "canned" modules (even though I understand that each individual
module contributer can't be expected to follow any particular regimentation
in coding styles to insure no warnings... code evolves... usually).


Carl A Baltrunas <carl@reststop.com> and Cherie Marinelli <2bunnies@1unique.com>
Catalyst Industries: The One-Stop Internet registration and distribution service
URL: <http://www.reststop.com>    INFO: info@1unique.com
-owned by EWBR & EWBR-ette [our house bunnies] and Czazu [our dog]
 Visit them at their hotel at http://www.reststop.com/info/bunny/bunnycam.html

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