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[MacPerl] Re: Problems with Client Server Solved

>> die "can't fork: $!" unless defined($kidpid = fork());
>You got that part to work? I thought MacPERL didn't fork..

I ran this on a Linux system and it ran great, but when I run it on my Mac I get

# IO::Socket::INET:
File 'Dev:Pseudo'; Line 7
# can't setup server.
File '<AppleEvent>'; Line 12

Does this refer to the problem you mentioned. I can't find any reference to it in IO::Socket::INET.

No matter, though. I was working towards getting it on a Unix box anyway, but I am curious why it does not work on my mac like I expected.

Reason? Macs don't have the fork() option. Just get rid of all the forking, and it should work fine.

- Strider

- I hope you recognize what you're looking for when you find it.

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