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[MacPerl] Use of LibMotoSh

Hey ,

I just found on a magazine CD-Rom (the french mag UniversMac of april) the
Motorola  LibMotoSh, a Shared Library.

The doc says :

LIBMOTO End-User's version replaces the following standard C functions:

    * cos              * exp
    * sin              * pow
    * log              * atan
    * log10            * atan2
    * sqrt

The versions of LIBMOTO available herein are provided "as is".  LIBMOTO is
for the Mac OS for PowerPC.

The end-user version (named "LibMotoSh") is a shared library that updates
several functions from Apple's MathLib. When using the end-user version,
many standard Macintosh applications that use MathLib will run faster
automatically without any recompilation.

The Motorola libraries do not replace the standard Apple libraries. When
used in conjunction with the standard libraries, the Motorola libraries
offer performance improvements.

The web address is :


It also says to NOT use it with OS 7.5.5....

I would like to know if somebody here use it running PacPerl. Is any
problem or not to run MP, conflic etc... ?

The magazine says the Lib not to be sure for computing height caracters on
the right of coma.

Thank you.


                                                     Jean-Michel MEYER
                                               Journaliste - Photographe

                    "L'objet du voyage n'est pas le but,  mais le chemin."

Proverbe Persan

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