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[MacPerl] Customizing a Runtime Application

Hi all,

I'm currently in beta for an application that I've written which 
downloads weather data for flight simulators like X-Plane at regular 

I've made it a runtime with all the necessary libraries in the resource 
fork.  In addition, it also stores its preferences in its own resource 

As this application will run and stay running, I'm thinking of making it 
look more like a real application with customized menu items and an about 
box.  Is there a way to do that without hacking at it with ResEdit?



Hai Ng
"Virtual Tools for the Real World"

Digital Image Design Incorporated
72 Spring Street Sixth Floor
New York NY 10012

Phone: 1-212-343-2442 ext 226
Fax  : 1-212-343-0440
Email: nghai@didi.com
WWW  : http://www.didi.com

Coordinates: 40deg 43' 20.0" North
             73deg 59' 52.4" West
Altitude   : 176 ft

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