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Re: [MacPerl] Customizing a Runtime Application

At 17.33 1998.03.12, nghai wrote:
>As this application will run and stay running, I'm thinking of making it
>look more like a real application with customized menu items and an about
>box.  Is there a way to do that without hacking at it with ResEdit?

Customized menus, yes.  See Mac::Menus.  An about box?  I dunno.  I am not
sure if Mac::Menus can add an entry to the Apple Menu (so you could have
About MacPerl ... and About MyProgram ...).

I am currently working on the GUI modules for a chapter in the MacPerl
book.  I hope to have it available for review RSN.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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