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Re: [MacPerl] Perl Artistic License

At 17.47 1998.03.12, nghai wrote:
>If I'm distributing a runtime created by MacPerl, how does this fall into
>the Perl Artistic License?
>The runtime is currently distributed as Freeware but may become or future
>programs may be shareware...is there a difference?

Christ Nandor replied
>As I understand it, you can give away, sell, change, redistribute in any
>manner, what you create that runs on Perl or MacPerl.  The one thing you
>cannot do is change MacPerl and call it MacPerl.
>But as always, IANAL (I Am Not A Lawyer).

That makes sense but since the MacPerl runtime technically contains the
MacPerl interpreter, would that be considered redistributing MacPerl?


Hai Ng
"Virtual Tools for the Real World"

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