At 12.28 1998.03.13, nghai wrote: >I'm still trying to find examples that would help me with the use of >Mac::Menus and Mac::Events particularly for the following: > > Mac::Menus - To create a custom menubar where items will invoke Perl >subroutines In :MacPerl Ä:ext:Mac:Menus:t: there is a nice example. > Mac::Events - To check if a modifier key (ctrl/cmd/opt/shift) is >currently being depressed. OK. Set an event handler for your window: $win->sethook('key', \&handle_keys); Then your handle_keys sub: sub handle_keys { my($my, $v) = @_; my($mod) = $Mac::Events::CurrentEvent->modifiers(); if ($v == 119 && ($mod & cmdKey()) eq cmdKey()) { $my->dispose(); } } Now, I suck at bitmask stuff (darn liberal arts education), so someone PLEASE tell me if I got the ($mod & cmdKey()) part right or wrong. But it seems to work, so what of it? :) Anyway, this checks if cmd-w is pressed, at the moment that "w" is actually pressed. If it is, it closes the window. -- Chris Nandor %PGPKey=('B76E72AD',[1024,'0824 090B CE73 CA10 1FF7 7F13 8180 B6B6']) #== New Book: MacPerl: Power and Ease ==# #== Publishing Date: Early 1998. ==# ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to