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Re: [MacPerl] Running droplets from AppleScript

Stephan Somogyi wrote:
> I have several droplets that I would like to call from within AppleScript.
> At the moment, I'm using a snippet like this:
>         tell application "droplet"
>                 open file "file"
>         end tell
> If I use this snippet, two undesirable behaviors occur:

To call the droplet "Sean:~:perl tub:zouti fishy:sum size" with
"Sean:~:etc:mongol_1.gif", "Sean:~:etc:mongol.jpg",
"Sean:~:etc:whatis.dat", I go:

tell application "Finder"
	select {file "Sean:~:etc:mongol_1.gif", file "Sean:~:etc:mongol.jpg",
file "Sean:~:etc:whatis.dat"}
	open selection using file "Sean:~:perl tub:zouti fishy:sum size"
end tell

However, this fails when the files aren't all in the same directory as
eachother -- an apparent Finder restriction on what selecting things
means.  But if you're doing just the one file, it should be OK.

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