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[MacPerl] Running droplets from AppleScript

I have several droplets that I would like to call from within AppleScript.

At the moment, I'm using a snippet like this:

	tell application "droplet"
		open file "file"
	end tell

If I use this snippet, two undesirable behaviors occur:

- The file isn't actually processed. As best I can tell, the droplet
launches, it then launches MacPerl, but nothing happens.

- The open ultimately times out; if run within the Script Editor, the
beach ball continues spinning, leading me to conclude that the droplet
isn't returning any value to the caller.

Is there a better (ie functional) method of achieving this goal? I had
a wander through MacPerl's aete, but there doesn't appear to be a way
of passing a list of aliases intended for ARGV as an argument to


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