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Re: [MacPerl] Looking for a solution

sometime around 19/3/98 16:48, Mark Manning/Simulacron I of 
markem@flash.net fame supposedly wrote:

>Just build a user database and put a field in it to keep track of this. 
>When the user enters your program they have to put in their
>information.  Have the CGI script do a search in the database and pull
>this information out.  Then go from there.

The database exists already...it is running under WebTen so it is a UNIX 
style user db.

The "go from there" part is where I get stuck.  I am just getting started 
in Perl and am only getting the terminology down now.  =^D

Anyone know of a perl script which already exists to do this I could 
adapt to use my user database?



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  --German proverb

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