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[MacPerl] Thanks

Thanks on the preferences stuff guys n'gals.  I've been working on a SGI
Unix system for so long and working in JavaScript so much that I'd
forgotten about that.  But it was worse than that too.  I completely
forgot to save the file as a CGI script!  I remembered to do so after
getting rid of the preferences when the thing still gave errors.  I was
being soooooo stupid.  :-)

Thanks again.

(Too many systems, too many languages, too many jobs, too many requests
for help.  It's no wonder I need a vacation!  ;-) )
All e-mail needs to be sent to mark@cheers.jsc.nasa.gov.  If you don't,
it will
probably bounce.  What man does not understand or fears; he ultimately
Steve Wright: Black holes are where God divided by zero.

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