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[MacPerl] Looking for a solution

Hi all...

I have come across a unique problem.  One some of you may have already 
found a solution for this.

I need a way to have users, surfing the web with their web browsers, come 
into my site, and log in as a member of a group.  That's the easy part.  
Realms with Users and Groups running WebTen.

Now for the part I haven't been able to find a CGI or perl script for 

I need to have them go to a specific page depending on their login.

For example, I have several clients who want to get their spots in 
QuickTime format for approvals from their clients.  Client one is a 
Republican and Client two is a Democrat.  Neither should know the other 
has spots on the site or the other even exists as a client here at my 
company.  I could make cryptic directory names, but that does me no good. 
 We need it to be easy...

Has anyone run across this before know of a way to implement it?  I have 
an Apache server running which will accept all UNIX and Mac CGIs (perl, 
shell, whatever) as well as all the Mac WebSTAR Plug-Ins.  I would love 
to use a Mac Perl script for this though...I just love sticking it to the 
Windows holdouts here.


sysadmin, waveworks.net


Marriage is the alliance of two people, one of whom never remembers
birthdays and the other never forgets them.
  --Ogden Nash

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