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[MacPerl] mini-httpd daemon as MacPerl runtime? quirks vs UNIX/CPAN?

I want to make perl.acgi or equivalent as fast as possible 
on a Mac.

I notice that the usual technique of saving as an acgi means
(I think) that in the worst case, MacPerl fires up, the 
script is parsed, and then executed.   Seems somewhat slow.

I was thinking that I could point my forms to another port
on my Mac, say 8080, where a mini-httpd is already
listening, thus avoiding the worst case.  Can anyone point
me to source for a perl mini-httpd daemon which is known to
work on MacPerl?

(I would modify the httpd so it includes all my CGI.pm and
forms handling script...)

Does CPAN httpd-daemon stuff work 'out of the box' in MacPerl?
Save it as a runtime? Tricks to make it independent of the 
MacPerl application?

I am guessing the OS dependent issues might include getting the 
%ENV from the port?  Any other tricks, or can I just use
the stuff in CPAN?  

I did check the archives, and saw some discussion, e.g.
Subject: [MacPerl] mini-daemon for http server in MacPerl?
but did not locate the answers.  

Thank you. Regards, Mike West

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