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Re: [MacPerl] Mac OS Calculator DA

At 11:38 am -0500 3/20/98, Chris Nandor wrote:
>A quick announcement: I rewrote the Mac OS Calculator DA in MacPerl.  I had
>nothing better to do yesterday than rewrite 15-year old desk accessories.
>This is version 0.9b.  Fun stuff, aye?

Aye, nice job.

A great example script that will likely prove to be the definitive model
for learning MacPerl GUI programming.

>Read the README for problems, and I'd appreciate feedback, especially on
>bugs.  This is 100 percent MacPerl (unless you count a few cicn resources).

Worked right out of the box for me.



    ____/  _   /  /  J. Douglas Dunlop                  <dunlop@eol.ists.ca>
   /      /   /  /                                    Earth Observations Lab
   _/    /   /  /                Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science
 /      /   /  /                                    4850 Keele St.,2nd Floor
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                     H:519-747-1710                          CANADA, M3J-3K1

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