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Re: [MacPerl] Mac OS Calculator DA

At 08:38 -0800 on 98/03/20, Chris Nandor wrote:
> A quick announcement: I rewrote the Mac OS Calculator DA in MacPerl.  I had
> nothing better to do yesterday than rewrite 15-year old desk accessories.

And here we thought you were working on your chapters!  tut tut. The first
rule: Never tell your publisher, your co-author, (or your boss; is anyone from
Petersen's on this list? :-) that you have nothing better to do.  You may be
_given_ something to do :-)

> This is version 0.9b.  Fun stuff, aye?
> Read the README for problems, and I'd appreciate feedback, especially on
> bugs.  This is 100 percent MacPerl (unless you count a few cicn resources).
>     http://pudge.net/macperl/

It's gonna be on the CD, right?

      |\      _,,,---,,_    Vicki Brown - vlb@cfcl.com
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     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-' P.O. Box 1269  San Bruno  CA  94066
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                      Ever met a normal person? So... did you like it?

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