Now that I have a cable modem (yes!) I am doing my part to suck as much bandwidth as I can, forcing the telcos to make it even better, until the point where I can suck the entire contents of Inside Macintosh from Cupertino to my desktop in a matter of seconds. So I listen to RealAudio every day while I work. There are some live programs I like to listen to every week. I listen to the Alan Keyes show (a conservative talk show host, no, I am not trying to start a political discussion) and Garrison Keillor's Prairie Home Companion. I recently installed Cron on my Mac and this morning I thought, as I watched the clock for the program to begin, I should have Cron launch it. So I wrote this script. Every weekday morning at 10:05 a.m., this script will run and start my RA program. Of course, it won't work if I happen to be using MacPerl at the time, but c'est la vie. Note that the URL of the program changes every day, so I use Date::Format::time2str() to adjust it accordingly. Mac::Apps::Launch is on CPAN or on my web site. Then I just set Cron to launch the script at the right time. #!perl -wl use Mac::AppleEvents; use Mac::Apps::Launch; use Date::Format; use strict; my($appid, $file, $form, $evt, $rep); $appid = 'PNst'; #id for RealPlayer $file = "$ENV{TMPDIR}alankeyes.ram"; $form = '%m%e%y'; open(F, ">$file") || die ($!); print F 'pnm://' . time2str($form, time()) . '.rm'; close(F); LaunchApps([$appid], 1) or warn ($^E); $evt = AEBuildAppleEvent('aevt', 'odoc', typeApplSignature(), $appid, 0, 0, '') or die($^E); AEPutParam($evt, '----', 'TEXT', $file); $rep = AESend($evt, kAEWaitReply()) or die $^E; AEDisposeDesc($evt); AEDisposeDesc($rep); unlink($file); __END__ -- Chris Nandor %PGPKey=('B76E72AD',[1024,'0824 090B CE73 CA10 1FF7 7F13 8180 B6B6']) #== New Book: MacPerl: Power and Ease ==# #== Publishing Date: Early 1998. ==# ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to