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Re: [MacPerl] Launch Mac app from MacPerl?

At 7:25 pm +0100 26.03.98, Greg Dunn wrote:
>I've scoured the sample scripts and documents, and visited the
>MacPerl and PTF web sites, but I'm unable to find a suggested way
>to launch a Mac application from MacPerl ...

#ifndef PUDGE
#define PUDGE

	char msg[] = "The facility you require has been
		      implemented by Chris Nandor.";



... which is a long-winded and syntactically incorrect way of saying that,
like everything else you can think of, Chris has this one covered. Go to:


and click on the "Perl and Mac Software and links" link (yeah, I could just
give you the URL for the page directly, which is
<http://pudge.net/macperl/> but then you wouldn't get to enjoy Chris's
frames with the strange elvish scrawls at the bottom). The module you want
is, surprisingly enough, called Mac::Apps::Launch.


angus@pobox.com                                   http://pobox.com/~angus/

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   Then a man ain't a man when he don't understand ... pulp culture."
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