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Re: [MacPerl] MacPerl and [A]CGI startup time


If you are going to put all of the server into MacPerl and then put all
of your programs into MacPerl but you are still using a server (ie:
Netpresenz, then why don't you just write a main program with options
which call the other routines and then just always call that one
program?  If you did that then the one program would remain up for a
while (5 minutes if I remember correctly).  And if your traffic is of a
reasonable nature (ie: a hit every 5 minutes or less) then you would
have the same effect.  But with less overhead.

Like this:


#	Load in the options from the server like you would normally do
#	Then handle which option it is you are working with.
	if( $theOption eq "newAccount" ){
		do "newAccount.pl";
		elsif( $theOption eq "getAccount" ){
			do "getAccount.pl";
		elsif( $theOption eq "showMain" ){
			do "showMain.pl";


Not that I want to knock having a MacPerl Server.  It sounds really
neat!  And when the Perl-to-C converter comes out it will probably make
the server scream!  (Or the Perl-to-Java, I don't care which.  I just
would like to write in MacPerl and then have a converter convert the
thing for me so I can get the best of both worlds.)  :-)

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