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Re: [MacPerl] AE Catcher?

At 07.12 1998.05.06, Peter Hartmann wrote:
>Chris and others adviced me to use an "AE Catcher" control panel to check
>on apple events.
>At first I thought this was mistaken for AETracker, a control panel which I
>currently use but whose output is rather cryptic so that I mostly can't
>make any sense of it. But now I found that the AE Catcher Panel obviously
>must exist and is by no means a mistake. The question remains: Where? Any
>pointers? Or is it exclusivley on the CD?

Hm.  Did I say AE Catcher?  I use "Capture AE".  If I said differently
before, I apologize.

Unfortunately, I do not think it is on the CD-ROM, as we found out about it
a little bit late.  But I don't have the final CD-ROM yet, so maybe some
wizards did some magic.  :-)

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
MacPerl: Power and Ease (ISBN 1881957322), http://www.ptf.com/macperl/
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