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[MacPerl] Net FTP

First, I'm a relative Perl newbie.  Second, being a relative Perl newbie, I am
nonetheless able to create some pretty cool applications with MacPerl.  THAT,
is very cool.  My hat's off to the creator(s) of MacPerl.

Okay, fine.  A question.  A problem.  With the Net FTP functions. I've written
a script that uploads files (and folders) from my mac to a mirror (of sorts)
at my web site.  It seems that about 30% of the time, however, the ftp->put
function doesn't manage to get the entire file across but generates no error. 
The result is a really cool application (see preceding paragraph), but
functionally unreliable.

Does anybody have any experience with the Net library, ftp in particular, or
has anybody experienced this problem?



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