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Re: [MacPerl] Mac::AppleEvents::Simple feedback


That one looks more like "AppleScript2ApperlScript".
Anyway, it seems to be the answer I deserve:-)
Just wondering how much work it would take to write
a real AppleScript2perl --or lets say AppleScript to
"AppleEvent with some perl arround".

Andreas Marcel

Kevin Reid wrote:
>#!perl -w
>@ARGV == 1 or die "Only one file at a time, please!";
>open OUT, "> $ARGV[0].pl" or die "Open failed: $!";
>print OUT <<"END";
>MacPerl::DoAppleScript <<"EOAS";
>while (<>) { print OUT "  $_"; }
># print join "\n", map {"  $_"}, <>; # use only for small files
>print OUT <<"END";
>  Kevin Reid.      |         Macintosh.
>   "I'm me."       |      Think different.

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