Last week I posted a request about sending and receiving mail attachments and am writing to report the (mostly) good news:). First, thanks to Paul S. I found the needed modules at CPAN under author "Eryq." The code for a simple parsing program searches a directory and reads the first 20 lines of each file, looking to see if it is MIME multi-part/mixed. Then it parses each MIME file. One problem is that each part is extracted and renamed with a "/" in front of it...not terribly (mac) friendly. I'll look into how this could be changed. This script seems to suffer slightly from a memory issue, (see my next posting!!!) but mostly runs consistently. Thanks to all and take care :) ########## use MIME::Parser; ########## $dir="daffners:Desktop Folder:6.9:"; # Create a new parser object: my $parser = new MIME::Parser; # Set up output directory for files: $parser->output_dir("$dir"); # Set up the prefix for files with auto-generated names: $parser->output_prefix("part"); # If content length is <= 20000 bytes, store each msg as in-core scalar; # Else, write to a disk file (the default action): $parser->output_to_core(20000); opendir(DIR1,"$dir") ; @filelist = readdir(DIR1) ; closedir(DIR1); foreach $file_d (@filelist){ $count="0"; open (FILE, "$file_d"); @lines=<FILE>; close(FILE); foreach $e (@lines){ ++$count; if ($count <= 20 && $e =~/mixed/i){ @mimelist= (@mimelist , "$file_d");} } } foreach $file_m (@mimelist){ print "FILE: $file_m is a mime file!!\n"; open (DAFF, "$file_m"); # Parse an input stream: $entity = $parser->read(\*DAFF) or die "couldn't parse MIME stream"; close(DAFF); $entity->dump_skeleton; # for debugging } ###end of program ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to