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Re: [MacPerl] suggestion: shuck as default creator

Xah Lee <xah@best.com> writes:
>make most MacPerl files's creator to Shuck, so that people can double click to
 read them in Shuck. This is very important for beginners.

Good idea.

>* all the .pod files should have Shuck as creator.


>* the file "Shuck Manual" does not have creator Shuck.

Must be a packaging defect. It usually has this creator.

>* It is convenient for most files in the "lib" folder to have Shuck as creator
, so that programers can read it in Shuck without extra dragging or the like. F
or those who likes to read them in text editor, they'll have to change creator 
anyway so it doesn't make sense for them to stay with MacPerl creator.
>Matthias, 10 minutes on your part saves hundreds of 10 minutes. Not all who ha
ve convenient means to change file creator, or possibly not familiar with the c
reator thingy.

Ok, you've got me convinced. Now please, wrap your lines to less than 80
characters :-)


Matthias Neeracher   <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>   http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~neeri
   "I'm set free to find a new illusion" -- Velvet Underground

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