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[MacPerl] Fwd: new version of Mac mSQL available

>Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 11:35:00 -0400 (EDT)
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>From: "Mark J. Lilback" <mark@lilback.com>
>Subject: new version of Mac mSQL available
>You have expressed interest in the Macintosh version mSQL I am working on
>in the past. If you do not wish to receive such announcement, please let me
>I've just uploaded version 1.0a5 of Mac mSQL. I've declared the API as beta
>and have been having no problems with it. I've added a new call that
>returns the current value of msqlErrMsg for Real Basic users, who don't
>have access to global variables.
>The main improvement, however, is in the mSQL Monitor application. The
>application now offers the functionality of the msql and relshow tools.
>There is very, very rough printing support for the relshow data. I never
>realized what a pain printing is, and can understand why so many
>applications print so poorly.
>The coolest new feature is AppleScript support. AppleScript can be used to
>learn about the schema of databases, tables, and indexes. Query support
>also works. The distribution includes sample AppleScripts to get you
>started, along with some basic documentation (of the API and scriptability).
>I'd really appreciate any feedback I can get on the AppleScript dictionary
>and scripting architecture. I tried to follow the Database Suite as much as
>possible but had to make compromises since mSQL is not a full-fledge RDBMS.
>The download is available at <http://www.lilback.com/msql/>.
>Mark Lilback                                        mark@lilback.com
>"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people... it is
>true that most stupid people are conservative."  --John Stuart Mill

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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