(resending this to the list, responding to Jeff Lowrey): >Could we see the code that causes what you posted to break? message: Here's what doesn't work. -Ken #! perl -w $file = "HD:Desktop Folder:test.pl"; #use this file as a test open(IN, $file); while (<IN>) { if (/^(\w+:)\s*$/) { $where = $1 unless ($where eq "message:"); #problem here with #colons in message - FIX $where =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; next; #look at next line } if ($where eq "message:") { #add lines to message list, including blank lines push @msg, $_; next; } } @addressee = (address1, address2); $subject = "test subject"; $ccto = ""; $bccto = ""; #@msg = ("this is a test message\n", "and this is the second line\n"); #PROBLEM in above line: works if uncommented, otherwise not $msg = join("", @msg); foreach $line (@addressee) { $to = "$line"; $from = "kpierce\@mit.edu"; MacPerl::DoAppleScript(<<END_SCRIPT); tell application "Eudora Pro" make message at end of mailbox "out" of mail folder "" set field "to" of message 0 to \"$line\" set field "from" of message 0 to \"$from\" set field "subject" of message 0 to \"$subject\" set field "cc" of message 0 to \"$ccto\" set field "bcc" of message 0 to \"$bccto\" set field "" of message 0 to \"$msg\" save message 0 -- saves it in outbox; not queued end tell END_SCRIPT } ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to mac-perl-request@iis.ee.ethz.ch