while it may not work for long, as the bbcoders keep on improving bbedit, here's a silly parser trick some of you might want to use in your perl code... I wouldn't recomend it for widely-distributed code, but it's fun for your own personal stuff: # . # . # . sub some_real_sub {} sub another_real_sub {} =pod sub _______________some_little_section_label__ {} =cut sub more_real_subs {} sub etc__you_get_the_idea {} # . # . # . makes it easier to find your subs if you prefer to have the function menu list them in order of appearance, and you've got so many that looking through the list is not as efficient as you'd like. Of course this will break when bbedit groks pod, but for now it's a usefull bit of fun :) -matt ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to mac-perl-request@iis.ee.ethz.ch