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[MacPerl] http://www.ptf.com/macperl/PerlWish.rdm.sea.hqx

Rich's ReadMe, 981130

This is a quick and dirty snapshot of the pieces that are needed to make
MacPerl 5.2.0r4 work with PerlWish (at least on _my_ machine! :-).  There
may well be newer versions around by the time you get this code; it is
thus worthwhile to investigate...

In any event, there are three directories enclosed here:

  Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-0.52        Chris Nandor's Simple AppleEvent API
  Mac-Apps-Launch-1.60               Chris Nandor's App Launcher
  Perl-Wish-1.1.x                    My hacked-up version of PerlWish

Make sure you have a copy of Wish 8.04 and MacPerl 5.2.0r4 installed!

Copy Chris's *.pm files into appropriate points in your MacPerl lib tree:


Run test.pl under MacPerl.  It should start up a copy of Tcl, draw a
functional window, etc.  See the test.pl code and the notes in PerlWish.pm
to figure out what's what...

Happy hacking!

Rich Morin <rdm@cfcl.com>
Rich Morin:          rdm@cfcl.com, +1 650-873-7841, http://www.ptf.com/~rdm
Prime Time Freeware: info@ptf.com, +1 408-433-9662, http://www.ptf.com
MacPerl: http://www.ptf.com/macperl,   http://www.ptf.com/ptf/products/MPPE
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