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Re: [MacPerl] HTML Character Conversion

At 23.59 -0500 1998.12.20, Paul J. Schinder wrote:
>I thought someone already did. I seem to recall that someone posted a
>patch many months ago to do this. But if memory serves, people also
>commented that the ISO font was easily available, and that people doing
>Web work simply installed the font.. I thought the ISO font was defined in
>the appropriate standards as the One True Font? If so using it seems a
>reasonable thing to do.

I use ISO fonts for a lot of things, but if you are translating an HTML
page for use in strictly Mac usage, then Mac translation would be a good
thing.  I too remember someone posting something of that nature, but I
don't recall much about it.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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