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Re: [MacPerl] FNG

Kevin Dowd wrote:

> $myEmail =  'dowd%40ndirect.co.uk';
> $myEmail = ~ s/%40/@/g;
> print "$myEmail";
> All I get back is 4294967295.

Surprising, isn't it?  :-)  But correct. 

Excerpt of followup (sent 27 January 1999) by Geoffrey C Kinnel:

>  0) There is no string specified to search (because =~ was not used) so
> the substitution tries to operate on nothing

No, the substitution operates on $_, which in the above program has the
undefined value.

>  1) the substitution fails, returning a 0 (the number of substitutions)

It does not for me.  See below.

>  2) you assign $myEmail the value of the bitwise negation of 0,
> represented as a 32 bit integer [...] which happens to be 4294967295

Agreed.  (In hexadecimal this is 0xffffffff, which looks much less


Ok, Kevin Kowd's problem is long solved, but leaves me with the subtle 
question, "What does s/// return on failure?".  Not quite 0 !  (I'm
using perl, version 5.004_04 built for sun4-solaris, but hope this
doesn't matter!)

Sure I get the number of substiturions performed when it succeeds.
But when it fails, I get a weird kind of empty string.  The following

    1      #! /usr/local/bin/perl -w
    3      $_ = "no match";
    4      $x = s/%40/@/;
    5      $y = "";
    6      $notx = ~$x;
    7      $noty = ~$y;
    8      $str_equal = $x eq $y;
    9      $num_equal = $x == $y;
    11   print "'$x', '$y', $str_equal, $num_equal, '$notx', '$noty'\n";

warns me that Argument "" isn't numeric in eq at line 9,
and prints

    '', '', 1, 1, '4294967295', ''

Huh?  Both $x and $y contain the empty string, they are equals as
strings and numerically, but the bitwise negation operator works
differently on them!  I would have expected bitwise flip of all
characters in a string, as it happens for $y.
    But $x, the result of the substitution, seems slightly more
numeric than the genuine string $y.  Note that line 9 chages $y !!
After the comparison, ~$y would evaluate to 4294967295, no longer "".
BTW, the warning was about $y, not $x.  Perl thinks there is no side
effect, and documents its belief with the warning to the following

    $x = "1234"; print ~$x, "\n";
    $x+12;       print ~$x, "\n";

I get:

    Useless use of addition in void context at -e line 2.

First, $x is a string.  Then it is a number. My question: How many
kinds of "scalars" exist?

	Christian Brechbuehler
	Communication Technology Laboratory, Image Science Group
	Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich

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