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Re: [MacPerl] Thingies

On 23 Apr, Arved Sandstrom wrote:

> You've got a bunch of array references, and all of the arrays have names
> _associated_ with them. So instead of a list of lists try a hash of lists.

Thanks -- I'll have to try this out.

{snip code}

> I suggest this because there seems to be no inherent need to have arrays
> in a particular order, in your example.

The code might have been a little _too_ simple, actually, but I think
that's right. (This is the longest thing I've written, so it's hard to
hold it all in my head...)

> As a further comment, don't call defined() on arrays or hashes. In this
> example, you can call exists() to see if a specific key is valid, or just
> test the individual array refs.

I'm not sure I understand this comment. Why not use exist() on arrays
or hashes? (Works ok -- is there some meta-reason why this is
considered a Bad Thing?)

John S Jacobs Anderson                      jacobs@azstarnet.com
www.treefort.org/~jacobs/ <--   GeneHack (bioinfo*linux*opinion)
Data/Spock '96  the Logical Choice!

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