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Re: [MacPerl] How to call a compiled C++ program

At 8:10 AM -0400 4/22/99, Chris Nandor wrote:
>At 17.20 -0400 1999.04.21, bobbys wrote:
>>I'm looking to call a compiled c++ app from a perl script. Once the app
>>runs, I
>>need the perl script to continue.
>>Can anyone point me in the right direction? (ie, a hint at what I should be
>>looking for to accomplish this)
>MacPerl itself cannot do this.  You might be able to communicate directly
>with MPW or CodeWarrior to do it.  See CodeWarriorLib.pm on my site
>(http://pudge.net/macperl/), or just learn how to call your favorite MPW
>compilers from perl, e.g.:
>  `mycompiler foo.c++`
>or whatever.

Just to see if Bart is paying attention (;-), have you considered AppleScript?

You should be able to tell your app to launch directly. You *might* have to
tell the Finder to launch the app instead, but that's not terribly likely.

So, DoAppleScript away!

-Jeff Lowrey

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