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Re: [MacPerl] List of commands

At 11:55 PM -0400 5/17/99, Chris Nandor wrote:

} At 23.46 -0400 1999.05.17, Michael D. Kirkpatrick wrote:
} >I am looking for a list of available commands for Perl.  Where can I
} >find a list where there is a brief description of what each command
} >does?
} Well, if you want functions, they are all in perlfunc.pod.  Look for the
} "Builtin Functions" under Help.  They are also all listed in all good perl
} books, including the MacPerl book.

You can also get the very useful "Perl Reference Guide" off the web:

Looks like the on-line version is still at 5.004, so it's exactly what you
want.  O'Reilly sells an updated version of this for cheap:

} --
} Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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Paul J. Schinder

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