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Re: [MacPerl] Commify and "1 while" syntax

At 1:27 PM -0400 1999/5/31, Ronald J Kimball wrote:

>Uh, no.  The 1 in the above code is the body of the while loop, not the
>conditional.  (Note: 'conditional', not 'argument'.)
>Yes.  Notice where the 'this is true' occurs.
>No.  The body of the loop doesn't have to return any specific value.  The
>conditional is what is being tested for truth or falseness.
>undef while /foo/;
>is just as valid as
>1 while /foo/;
>Just like
>while(/foo/) { 1 }
>while(/foo/) { undef }
>If this construct tested 1 as the conditional, then it would always be true
>and the loop would never terminate!

Well I don't remember where my head was when I wrote all that wrong stuff,
but it was pretty dark 8-)

Sorry for the misdirections (I know better than that 8-(


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