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Re: [MacPerl] MacPerl bugs?

on 6/2/99 7:44 AM, Chris Nandor wrote...
>At 23.51 -0400 1999.06.01, Scott Prince wrote:
>>$^O - I have a script and need to know if the platform is Mac or other:
>>if ($^O =~ /mac/) { #.... }
>># then later on...
>>$z = eval {/$x/};
>># but wait, eval no longer works!
>># removing the ($^O =~ /mac/) verified this.
>/mac/ won't match $^O on MacPerl.  It might match some other OS's, like
>machten.  $^O for MacPerl is "MacOS".  See perlport.pod (on
>http://pudge.net/macperl/ and in perl5.004_05 and higher).

Actually I believe I used a case insensitive match:

if ($^O =~ /mac/i)

laziness on my part, instead of checking what $^O returns for the mac, 
just matched on it. But how would that change eval? I should also have 
noted that both examples are saved as cgi's served up with Web Sharing.

>>scalar  - counting array elements:
>>$_ = "a\tb\tc\t\t\t\n"; # read in from a database file
>>@x = split (/\t/, $_);
>>if (scalar (@x) == 6) { #... }
>># for Unix the number of elements is 6 (as expected)
>># for the Mac it is 3
>># MacPerl will not see the empty elements.
>I wonder what version you have?  Using the 5.2.0r4 (the latest), I try:
>  $_ = "a\tb\tc\t\t\t\n"; # read in from a database file
>  @x = split (/\t/, $_);
>  print scalar @x;
>It prints "6".

Right you are. In this case the file is an uploaded file and it seems 
that it may be related to using cgi-lib.pl. Is CGI.pm a more compatible 
solution for this?

I have been attempting to have one cgi script that will run on Mac or 
Unix by changing only one line in the script. Maybe that's asking too 
much, but I love my Mac and hate the Unix text editors. It would be nice 
to have one subroutine that would handle all the little quirks; flock, 
file sys delimiters, \r\n, etc.


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