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Re: [MacPerl] Finding files on disk

This should do it, Robert.


#!perl -w
require "FindFolder.pl";
use MacPerl;

# &MacPerl'FindFolder($foldertype [, $create])
# Where $type is one of:
# A[pple menu]
# C[ontrol Panel]
# D[esktop]
# E[xtension]
# F[onts]
# P[references]
# M[onitor Printing]
# N[etwork trash]
# T[rash]
# I[tems startup]
# S[ystem]
# Y[TemporarY Items]
# If "true", $create specifies that the folder should be created if it
# doesn't exist yet.

print "Prefs folder is " . MacPerl::FindFolder(P) . "\n";


Troy Davis
Interactive Director
Mann Bukvic Gatch Partners
205 W. 4th Street
Suite #1130
Cincinnati, Ohio  45202  USA   
Tel: (513) 241-4444
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