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Re: [MacPerl] Variable Names in Formatted Output

> At 9.55 -0400 1999.06.11, Jay Bedsole (rwdd30) wrote:
>>Chris writes:
>>> Your code works for me.  It isn't incorrect.
>>Curious, I don't have access to a Mac here at work,
>>but I see the same problems as Robert on a unix box.
>>I don't see how the formatting will work without the
>>dot. Maybe MacPerl assumes the dot (somehow)?
> No dot is necessary.  The variable is interpolated and all is fine.  I
> think the program is being used incorrectly, not coded incorrectly.

The problem appears to have nothing to do with the coding. The problem was
overall system instability causing the computer to fail to recognize the EOF
character. Restarting the machine this morning caused the code to behave in
the expected manner. As to the root cause of the system instability, I am
unsure. Having only experience with AppleScript and the more forgiving
syntax of that language, I mistrusted my Perl coding. The code is correct.

Robert Ligon

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