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Re: [MacPerl] I'm Geen

On Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 08:19:21PM -0500, ken towry wrote:
>     # Open the file
>     open(htmlFile,$fileName);
>     # If the file opened, call the parser on it
>     $retVal = &mainHtmlParser("",0) if htmlFile;

This is extremely wrong.  htmlFile in the second line of code is a
bareword, and is always true.  It has no relation to the filehandle in the
first line of code.  This could be written as:

    # Open the file

    # If the file opened, call the parser on it
    $retVal = &mainHtmlParser("",0) if I_like_cheese;

and it would behave exactly the same.

The correct way to check whether an open succeeded is:

open(htmlFile, $filename) or die "Unable to open $filename: $!\n";


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