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Re: [MacPerl] Visual Quickstart Guide to Graphics Programmingwith GD

At 8:24 +1000 1999.09.01, Charles Cave wrote:
>I will introduce all of the methods in the GD library, with
>the emphasis on using the library for making useful, interesting
>or educational GIF images.  Applications will be from mathematics,
>physics, statistics, graphic arts, and "computer art".

Note: the GD module version 1.20 was just released (and 1.21, too) with GIF
support dropped and PNG support added.  I plan on building the most recent
GD module eventually, but will keep the most recent GIF-based GD up, too.

By the way, the names you are looking for are Thomas Boutell and Lincoln D.
Stein, and are in the GD docs.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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