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Re: [MacPerl] Visual Quickstart Guide to Graphics Programming with GD

Charles Cave wrote:

> I've started work on my web-published tutorial on graphics
> programming.
> I will introduce all of the methods in the GD library, with
> the emphasis on using the library for making useful, interesting
> or educational GIF images.  Applications will be from mathematics,
> physics, statistics, graphic arts, and "computer art".

I went to this site in a few spare moments and I think it looks great. I
hadn't looked at the GD stuff at all, but now I think I might explore it,
particularly for graphing functions.

Chris's note about recent versions of GD supporting PNG graphics is
timely, as Unisys is trying (again) to enforce it's patent on the
compression used in GIF images. PNG might be the way to go. See
http://www.macintouch.com/giflicensing.html  for more info on recent

Thanks for working on the tutorial. I look forward to reading it in
greater depth later.


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