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Re: [MacPerl] DisposeSpeechChannel?

At 2:15 PM -0500 9/4/99, Greenblatt & Seay wrote:
>Is there any harm in exiting a MacPerl program that uses Mac::Speech, and
>that has opened and used one or more speech channels (NewSpeechChannel),
>without closing those channels (DisposeSpeechChannel) first?

It appears not 
The Speech Manager releases any speech channels that have not been 
explicitly disposed of by an application when the application quits. 
In general, however, your application should dispose of any speech 
channels it has created whenever it receives a suspend event. This 
ensures that other applications can take full advantage of Speech 
Manager and Sound Manager capabilities.

What that says about suspend events is interesting, though.  How 
exactly does one go about getting suspend events from MacPerl?  You'd 
normally switch on eve->what where eve is returned from 
WaitNextEvent, but Events.pm's WaitNextEvent doesn't return 

Just wondering,

Eric Albert                     ejalbert@cs.stanford.edu

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