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[MacPerl] Clipboard Talker

I use the following program to listen to my email, at least the part I have
copied to the clipboard. The Mac won't shut up when 'cmd period' has been
typed so a routine has been added to enable that.



# "Clip Talk" by David Seay
# by David Seay
# 1) Copy a selection of text from any application.
# 2) Run this program to hear it spoken.
# 3) Type 'cmd period' to stop speech and exit.

package Main;
use Mac::Speech;

use Mac::Events;
use Mac::Events qw(@Event $CurrentEvent);
use Mac::LowMem;

$Event[keyDown] = \&key_down;
$clip = &Main::Clipboard();


sub add_pauses_between_sentences {
	$clip =~ s/\n/ /g;
	$clip =~ s/  / /g;
	$clip =~ s/>//g;
	$clip =~ s/<//g;
	$clip =~ s/\! /\!\n/g;
	$clip =~ s/\? /\?\n/g;
	$clip =~ s/\. /\.\n/g;

sub give_speech {
	@speech = split(/\n/,$clip);
	if (! $speech[0]) {
		$speech[0] = "The clipboard has nothing to say."
	if (! $speaker) { $speaker = "Fred" }
	$voice = $Voice{$speaker};
	$channel = NewSpeechChannel($voice) or die $^E;
	for $z (0..$#speech) {
		$speech = $speech[$z];
		SpeakText($channel, $speech) || die $^E;
 	while (SpeechBusy()) { WaitNextEvent() }

sub key_down {
	my($ev) = @_;
	$k = chr($ev->character);
	if (($CurrentEvent->modifiers & 256) == 256 && $k eq ".") {
		StopSpeech $channel or die $^E;

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