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Re: [MacPerl] pod2html problems

On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 12:24:26PM +0100, Peter Westlake wrote:
} At 11:06 1999-09-14 +0100, Fergus McMenemie wrote:
} ...
} >P.S. one of the really nice things about perl on NT is how transparently it
} >handles the difference between the directory seperators used on UNIX and
} >DOS. A pitty MacPerl cant do something similar.
} To be fair, it isn't perl on NT that handles the different separators;
} NT understands both, most of the time.

And to be fair, it's impossible for MacPerl to treat / as a directory
separator in general, since / is a perfectly valid element of any Mac
file/folder name.  Only : isn't allowed.  Only in certain special
cases, like the perl lib where you *know* there will be no files with
/ in their name, can you do this, and even then only for relative

pod2html was written before the general awareness of such issues among
authors of perl programs.  These days an author concerned about
portability would use File::Spec.

The pod2* is being rewritten.  IIRC, the base of the new pod software
is called Pod::Parser.  You might want to get Pod::Parser from CPAN
and see if there's a pod2html replacement and whether it works better.
(Of course, you may find that Pod::Parser doesn't work under 5.004.
I'm not sure.)

} PEter.

Paul Schinder

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